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Yang Yuanyou

Ph.D, Professor, Master’s Supervisor

Main research areas:

1)Radioisotopes and their Applications;2) Radiopharmaceutical and Labelled Compounds;3)Environmental Radiochemistry

Contact information:

Tel: 02885412613; E-Mail:yangyy

Professor, Ph.D.

Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology, Sichuan University

Chengdu 610064


Tel: (86)028-85412613



2003--2009, Sichuan University, Ph.D

1989--1992, Sichuan University, M.S

1982--1986, Sichuan University, B.S


Radioisotopes and their Applications

    Production of radioiotopes by CS30 cyclotron.Applications of radioisotopes in biology, medicine and other areas.

 Radiopharmaceutical and Labelled Compounds

    Synthesis of new radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds with radionuclides.Investigation of the    radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds in clinical diagnosis or targeted therapy of cancers.

Environmental Radiochemistry

    Treatment of nuclear wastes by biotechnology or other methods.Nuclide chemical behavior and immigration in soil or other media.Interaction of humic substances and nuclides.

1. 刘宁,杨远友,廖家莉,廖小东,等。基于回旋加速器的新型同位素研制与应用,2013,四川省科技进步二等奖。

2. Tang Yu,Li Shuntao,Yang Yuanyou,et al. A simple and convenient method for production of 89Zr with high purity. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,118 (2016) 326-330.

3. Yang Yuanyou, Lin Rushan, Liu Ning, et al. Astatine-211 Labeling of Protein Using TCP as a Bi-functional Linker: Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation in Vivo and in Vitro. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 288(2011) 71-77.

4. Yang Yuanyou, Liu Ning, Pu Manfei, et al. Preparation and Preliminary Evaluation of 211At Labeled Amidobisphophonates. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 283(2010) 329-335.

5. Yang YY, Liu N, Mo zj, et al. Influence of a Chinese crude drug on Ca2+ influx and efflux in rat visceral organs:investigation and evaluation by 45Ca. Appl Radiat Isot, 64(2006)241-246.
